
海外直订Ruggles of Red Gap 红峡的流浪狗

海外直订Ruggles of Red Gap 红峡的流浪狗

372 原价382 去抢购

海外直订Wide Band Gap Electronic Materials 宽频带隙电子材料

海外直订Wide Band Gap Electronic Materials 宽频带隙电子材料

3411 原价3421 去抢购

海外直订The Achievement Gap in U.S. Education: Canaries in the Mine 美国教育中的成就差距:矿井中的金丝雀

海外直订The Achievement Gap in U.S. Education: Canaries in the Mine 美国教育中的成就差距:矿井中的金丝雀

683 原价693 去抢购

海外直订Ontology Alignment: Bridging the Semantic Gap 本体对齐:弥合语义鸿沟

海外直订Ontology Alignment: Bridging the Semantic Gap 本体对齐:弥合语义鸿沟

1033 原价1043 去抢购

海外直订Math Remediation for the College Bound: How Teachers Can Close the Gap, from the 面向大学学生的数学补习:教

海外直订Math Remediation for the College Bound: How Teachers Can Close the Gap, from the 面向大学学生的数学补习:教

617 原价627 去抢购

海外直订Device Physics of Narrow Gap Semiconductors 窄隙半导体器件物理“,

海外直订Device Physics of Narrow Gap Semiconductors 窄隙半导体器件物理“,

1550 原价1560 去抢购

海外直订Time, Action and Cognition: Towards Bridging the Gap 时间,行动和认知:弥合差距

海外直订Time, Action and Cognition: Towards Bridging the Gap 时间,行动和认知:弥合差距

3101 原价3111 去抢购

海外直订No Child Left Behind and the Reduction of the Achievement Gap: Sociological Pers 《不让一个孩子掉队与缩小成

海外直订No Child Left Behind and the Reduction of the Achievement Gap: Sociological Pers 《不让一个孩子掉队与缩小成

1921 原价1931 去抢购

海外直订医药图书Gap Analysis for Accreditation By College Of American Pathologists 美国病理学家学院认证的差距分析

海外直订医药图书Gap Analysis for Accreditation By College Of American Pathologists 美国病理学家学院认证的差距分析

752 原价762 去抢购

海外直订医药图书Neuroanalysis: Bridging the Gap Between Neuroscience, Psychoanalysis and Psychia 神经分析:弥合神经

海外直订医药图书Neuroanalysis: Bridging the Gap Between Neuroscience, Psychoanalysis and Psychia 神经分析:弥合神经

1404 原价1414 去抢购

海外直订Millennium Development Goals Gap Task Force repo... 千年发展目标差距工作队2015年报告

海外直订Millennium Development Goals Gap Task Force repo... 千年发展目标差距工作队2015年报告

384 原价394 去抢购

海外直订Advanced Antenna Systems for 5g Network Deployments: Bridging the Gap Between Th 用于5g部署的先进天线系

海外直订Advanced Antenna Systems for 5g Network Deployments: Bridging the Gap Between Th 用于5g部署的先进天线系

1618 原价1628 去抢购

海外直订E-Food: Closing the Online Enforcement Gap in the EU Platform Economy 电子食品:填补欧盟平台经济中的在线执法

海外直订E-Food: Closing the Online Enforcement Gap in the EU Platform Economy 电子食品:填补欧盟平台经济中的在线执法

1343 原价1353 去抢购

海外直订Narrow Gap Semiconductors 1995 窄间隙半导体1995

海外直订Narrow Gap Semiconductors 1995 窄间隙半导体1995

1180 原价1190 去抢购

海外直订Integrating Science and Literacy Instruction: A Framework for Bridging the Gap 整合科学和识字教学:弥合差距的框

海外直订Integrating Science and Literacy Instruction: A Framework for Bridging the Gap 整合科学和识字教学:弥合差距的框

565 原价575 去抢购

海外直订Why Good People Can't Get Jobs: The Skills Gap and What Companies Can Do about I 为什么好人找不到工作:技能

海外直订Why Good People Can't Get Jobs: The Skills Gap and What Companies Can Do about I 为什么好人找不到工作:技能

521 原价531 去抢购

海外直订Students of Color and the Achievement Gap: Systemic Challenges, Systemic Transfo 色彩与成就差距:系统性挑战

海外直订Students of Color and the Achievement Gap: Systemic Challenges, Systemic Transfo 色彩与成就差距:系统性挑战

1615 原价1625 去抢购

海外直订Addressing the Achievement Gap: Findings and Applications (PB) 解决成就差距:发现和应用(PB)

海外直订Addressing the Achievement Gap: Findings and Applications (PB) 解决成就差距:发现和应用(PB)

659 原价669 去抢购

海外直订Narrowing the Achievement Gap: Schools and Parents Can Do It, 2nd Edition 缩小成就差距:学校和家长可以做到,第2

海外直订Narrowing the Achievement Gap: Schools and Parents Can Do It, 2nd Edition 缩小成就差距:学校和家长可以做到,第2

539 原价549 去抢购

海外直订The Power of Student Agency: Looking Beyond Grit to Close the Opportunity Gap 学生代理的力量:超越勇气,缩小机会

海外直订The Power of Student Agency: Looking Beyond Grit to Close the Opportunity Gap 学生代理的力量:超越勇气,缩小机会

407 原价417 去抢购