
海外直订Cultural and Creative Industries: A Path to Entrepreneurship and Innovation 文化创意产业:创业创新之路

海外直订Cultural and Creative Industries: A Path to Entrepreneurship and Innovation 文化创意产业:创业创新之路

1409 原价1419 去抢购

海外直订Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance for Redundant Manipulators 冗余机械臂的路径规划与避障

海外直订Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance for Redundant Manipulators 冗余机械臂的路径规划与避障

815 原价825 去抢购

海外直订Understanding Novelty in Organizations: A Research Path Across Agency and Conseq 理解组织中的新奇性:跨机构

海外直订Understanding Novelty in Organizations: A Research Path Across Agency and Conseq 理解组织中的新奇性:跨机构

1076 原价1086 去抢购

海外直订Time-Dependent Path Scheduling: Algorithmic Minimization of Walking Time at the  基于时间的路径调度:移动装

海外直订Time-Dependent Path Scheduling: Algorithmic Minimization of Walking Time at the 基于时间的路径调度:移动装

520 原价530 去抢购

海外直订An African Path to Disability Justice: Community, Relationships and Obligations 非洲残疾人正义之路:社区、关

海外直订An African Path to Disability Justice: Community, Relationships and Obligations 非洲残疾人正义之路:社区、关

1343 原价1353 去抢购

海外直订Teaching Yoga in an Upside-Down World: How to stay on the path when society goes 在颠倒的世界里教瑜伽:当社

海外直订Teaching Yoga in an Upside-Down World: How to stay on the path when society goes 在颠倒的世界里教瑜伽:当社

194 原价204 去抢购

海外直订Prime Path Coverage Exploration for Automated Unit Testing 自动单元测试的主路径覆盖探索

海外直订Prime Path Coverage Exploration for Automated Unit Testing 自动单元测试的主路径覆盖探索

552 原价562 去抢购

海外直订John Bull and his Other Island. 约翰牛和他的另一个岛。

海外直订John Bull and his Other Island. 约翰牛和他的另一个岛。

302 原价312 去抢购

海外直订The Minds of Girls: A New Path for Raising Healthy, Resilient, and Successful Wo 女孩的心灵:培养健康、有弹

海外直订The Minds of Girls: A New Path for Raising Healthy, Resilient, and Successful Wo 女孩的心灵:培养健康、有弹

196 原价206 去抢购

海外直订Blue Is the New White: The Best Path to Success No One Told You About-Until Now 蓝色是新的白色:通往成功的

海外直订Blue Is the New White: The Best Path to Success No One Told You About-Until Now 蓝色是新的白色:通往成功的

184 原价194 去抢购

海外直订Entreprenumbers: The Surprisingly Simple Path to Financial Clarity 创业编号:财务清晰的简单途径

海外直订Entreprenumbers: The Surprisingly Simple Path to Financial Clarity 创业编号:财务清晰的简单途径

191 原价201 去抢购

海外直订Creative Practice and Socioeconomic Crisis in the Caribbean: A path to sustainab 加勒比地区的创新实践和社会

海外直订Creative Practice and Socioeconomic Crisis in the Caribbean: A path to sustainab 加勒比地区的创新实践和社会

548 原价558 去抢购

海外直订Quantum Field Theory: Feynman Path Integrals and Diagrammatic Techniques in Cond 量子场论:凝聚态中的费曼路

海外直订Quantum Field Theory: Feynman Path Integrals and Diagrammatic Techniques in Cond 量子场论:凝聚态中的费曼路

573 原价583 去抢购

海外直订Algebraic Number Theory for Beginners: Following a Path from Euclid to Noether 代数数论初学者:沿着从欧几里

海外直订Algebraic Number Theory for Beginners: Following a Path from Euclid to Noether 代数数论初学者:沿着从欧几里

898 原价908 去抢购

海外直订Puffins Off the Beaten Path 人迹罕至的海雀

海外直订Puffins Off the Beaten Path 人迹罕至的海雀

169 原价179 去抢购

海外直订Revenue Management: A Path to Increased Profits, Second Edition 收入管理:增加利润的途径,第二版

海外直订Revenue Management: A Path to Increased Profits, Second Edition 收入管理:增加利润的途径,第二版

175 原价185 去抢购

海外直订医药图书Lysosomal Disorders of the Brain: Recent Advances in Molecular and Cellular Path 脑溶酶体疾病:分子

海外直订医药图书Lysosomal Disorders of the Brain: Recent Advances in Molecular and Cellular Path 脑溶酶体疾病:分子

3236 原价3246 去抢购

海外直订One School's Journey: Further Down the Path 一所学校的旅程:走得更远

海外直订One School's Journey: Further Down the Path 一所学校的旅程:走得更远

154 原价164 去抢购

海外直订医药图书HIV Vaccines and Cure: The Path Towards Finding an Effective Cure and Vaccine 艾滋病毒疫苗和治疗:寻

海外直订医药图书HIV Vaccines and Cure: The Path Towards Finding an Effective Cure and Vaccine 艾滋病毒疫苗和治疗:寻

1550 原价1560 去抢购

海外直订Inside the Energiewende: Twists and Turns on Germany's Soft Energy Path 能源转型内部:德国软能源道路的曲折

海外直订Inside the Energiewende: Twists and Turns on Germany's Soft Energy Path 能源转型内部:德国软能源道路的曲折

1193 原价1203 去抢购